For a business to develop successfully, a good and strong team is needed. To do this, the entrepreneur will have to learn how to properly select the right people. How to do it?

First. You need to work with active people who will not wait for instructions from their superiors, but will begin to act on their own. They are not used to being customized, so they work exclusively for the result.
Lazy people who do not know at all what responsibility and discipline are, in any business do only harm. They need to be kicked out, since you cannot accumulate fines on them, and it is useless to redo them.
Therefore, at interviews, the main goal should be this: to select those people who themselves build their lives and do not waste time mediocre. They constantly work for themselves and at the same time try to change the world around them.
Team building rules
First of all, you need to find out the candidate's plans for the near future. And most importantly, what motivates him in life, in addition to financial stability and material wealth. It would be nice to learn about the past experience, about the team. If you slip the phrase: "The boss is an idiot!", Then you should think about it.
The interview is only the first, but not the last stage. It cannot fully reveal a person. Therefore, without a test task nowhere. There is one very simple but effective technique. Give each candidate small projects and freedom. No hints, comments or control. Full self-realization. And the very best will certainly prove themselves when performing this task.
Don't forget about the most common mistakes.
The first and most critical mistake. For some reason, entrepreneurs tend to hire people who are similar to them. This is especially true for novice businessmen. They hire the same potential businessmen and spend time and money on them for training. But for some reason these students, after a successful internship, run away and start their own business? And this happens very often. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that the best employees come from those employees for whom stability and financial security are at the forefront. This is a must to find out at the interview.
Second mistake. I would like to take those people who need help. But what about the achieved results? Because they are central to any business. If a person does not show them, then time is wasted, there is no profit. Do not hire relatives or friends. It will be very difficult to fire them.
The third mistake - I liked the candidate. It is worth repeating that the main thing is the results that are achieved by man. Judging by such criteria as you like or dislike is unreasonable and risky.
You should not take into business people who do not have an inner core and discipline. They are accustomed to go with the flow and need to be constantly "pushed", and this slows down the process as a whole.
The task of a successful businessman is to inspire, to lead. Therefore, all lazy and lazy people should be eliminated at the interview stage. And for this it is enough to give them a test and everything will become clear.