When concluding state, municipal and large commercial contracts, a bank guarantee is often required as confirmation of the seriousness of the intentions of cooperation. As a rule, it is included in the list of loan products offered by the bank, and is drawn up according to the same rules as a loan.

It is necessary
- - an application for a guarantee;
- - a borrower's questionnaire in the form of a bank;
- - legal documents of the enterprise;
- - financial statements for the last 5 reporting dates, transcripts to it;
- - Contract;
- -project guarantee;
- - provision.
Step 1
First, compare the conditions of different banks: the types of guarantees provided, the size of the commission for their issuance, the terms, the reduction factor for the collateral amount, etc. Select the bank that meets your requirements and open a current account with it.
Step 2
You can also contact a credit organization that provides settlement and cash services to your company. In addition, if you have already received loans from this bank and fulfilled obligations on time, you can count on more favorable conditions for issuing a guarantee.
Step 3
Prepare and submit to the bank a set of documents for consideration of the issue of issuing a guarantee at the credit committee:
- an application for the provision of a guarantee on a letterhead in any form indicating the amount, type, period and security of the guarantee;
- a borrower's questionnaire in the form of a bank;
- legal documents: articles of association, memorandum of association or decision of the participants on the creation of an enterprise, certificate of registration of the enterprise, on the assignment of TIN, documents on the appointment of the director and chief accountant;
- financial statements for the last 5 reporting dates, transcripts to it;
- the contract for which the guarantee is requested;
- the draft guarantee proposed by the lender (customer, supplier);
- planned collateral, depending on the type: a list of property offered as collateral, legal and financial documents of the guarantor.
Step 4
If a pledge of goods in circulation or fixed assets acts as a security for a bank guarantee, provide the employees of the relevant bank service with the opportunity to assess the proposed property in kind and documentarily. Prepare documents confirming ownership: sales contracts, invoices, waybills, invoices, acceptance certificates, passports, receipts, etc.
Step 5
Conclude agreements with the bank on the issuance of a guarantee, as well as its security and pay the agreed commission, after which you will receive a duly executed and signed bank guarantee form, which can be sent to the requesting creditor.