Women who are dedicated to housekeeping, raising and caring for children bring benefits to society as much as those who work. This is also recognized by the state, which guarantees them the opportunity to receive both social and labor pensions.

Step 1
A retirement pension can be assigned to a woman, even if she has devoted most of her adult life to taking care of the family. True, only if she has the minimum work experience required for this - more than 5 years. A housewife can receive this pension upon reaching the age of 55. Taking into account the fact that the work and insurance period, taken into account since 2002, includes the periods provided for caring for children until they reach one and a half years, it will be necessary to work in the production of the one who raised two children only 2 years and at least 1 more. day. It should be noted that such a “child's” experience, according to the law, is in total limited to 5 years. The size of the labor pension in this case will depend on how much the woman earned. That is, it depends on how much her employer made contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but, as a rule, the amount of such pension payments is small and is equal to the minimum, "basic" pension, which currently does not exceed 4 thousand rubles.
Step 2
But even in the case when a woman has not worked a day, she is still entitled to a pension. True, from the age of 60, and not labor, but social, the size of which directly depends on the subsistence minimum for pensioners established in your region. The amount of the social pension, indexed every year, consists of the pension itself and the social supplement introduced in 2010, which makes it possible to provide the minimum monthly amount of money necessary for the survival of a pensioner.
Step 3
In either case, the size of the pension will be very small, so now the state has made it possible for housewives who are in charge of two or more children to open their own account in the Pension Fund and transfer to it a part of the maternity capital received after the birth of the second. child. True, in this case there are restrictions - the year of birth of children must be from 2007 to 2016, this period is limited by the validity of the law on maternity capital.