Investors have a rule that most of the savings should be kept in the currency in which a person spends the most. But in the context of the accelerated devaluation of the ruble, more and more Russians are thinking about purchasing foreign currency in order to protect against currency risks. When choosing between the dollar and the euro, which currency is more preferable and has more potential?

In what currency is it more profitable to keep money? Usually the choice is between two currencies - the euro and the dollar. Therefore, more often the question is, which is more profitable - the dollar or the euro? Until recently, experts would have answered this question unequivocally - the euro. Against the background of the most severe economic crisis in the United States, it seemed that the dollar began to lose its status as a world currency and the euro was replacing it. The dollar exchange rate clearly confirmed this, in 2009 the euro increased against the dollar to $ 1.5.
But then the outbreak of the crisis in Europe, economic difficulties in Greece, rumors of a possible collapse of the European Union again forced investors to revise their estimates and reorient themselves to the dollar. These trends continue to influence the euro / dollar pair today.
What factors will determine the ratio of the euro and dollar rates in 2015? Among them are:
- the dynamics of the recovery of the European economy; while statistics on key economic indicators are disappointing.
- ECB policy aimed at eliminating the consequences of the economic crisis; the start of the quantitative easing policy could be a signal to the market about a possible fall in the euro;
- a possible increase in the US FRS rates will lead to the strengthening of the dollar;
- the outcome of the parliamentary elections in Greece; if the leftist coalition wins, Greece's exit from the eurozone is not ruled out.
Investors have also lost faith in the future of the euro. Thus, the US Futures Trading Commission noted that over the last week of 2014, investors opened positions for the fall of the euro by $ 800 million.
The persistence of a negative economic background in Europe led to the emergence of forecasts that the rates of the euro and the dollar will become equal by the end of 2016. The last time this happened was in 2002. In January 2015, the euro has already reached its minimum against the dollar and fell to the level of $ 1.183 / euro. According to Goldman Sachs forecasts, in 2017 the euro will be trading at $ 0.9 / euro.
Thus, current economic trends are still in favor of the dollar as a currency to ensure the safety of savings.