When traveling abroad or to open a new foreign currency account, it is often necessary to change one currency for another. For example, a fairly common option is to exchange euros for dollars.
Step 1
Find out the address of the exchange office nearest to you and visit it. The most reliable and fastest place to carry out exchange operations is a bank. Beforehand, you can find out which banks offer the most favorable rates for the exchange of euros into dollars. To do this, visit the website of the Central Bank or watch economic news on one of the central TV channels. To make an exchange transaction at the appropriate institution, in addition to cash, you will need to provide passport details.
Step 2
You can exchange euros for dollars at a cross rate. This means that the euro is first exchanged for a separate currency, after which the corresponding currency is exchanged for dollars. In some cases, such transactions may be more profitable than direct exchange. Nevertheless, they should only be used by experienced holders of foreign exchange accounts, who are not by hearsay familiar with operations in the Forex market.
Step 3
Open two accounts at the bank: in dollars and euros. So you can quickly carry out exchange operations, providing only the account number for debiting funds, the card number of the account holder or passport data. Many structures allow their clients to carry out such transactions through the Internet bank or telephone services. Also, both accounts can be linked to a plastic card if, for example, you go on a trip and plan to make a currency exchange abroad.
Step 4
Exchange euros for dollars abroad. If you are sure that you will be able to use the services of banks or exchange offices abroad, it is enough to transport the currency to the relevant country and exchange for dollars already there. Nevertheless, if you plan to carry out transactions with cash, the losses in such an exchange are often more significant than in the case of making it in Russia.