Today in Russia there is a catastrophic shortage of places in public preschool institutions. In this regard, caring parents increasingly began to give preference to private kindergartens. How to properly organize the work of such a preschool institution?

Step 1
Assess the competitiveness of the future kindergarten in your area.
Step 2
Please note that the private kindergarten and the home kindergarten are two different institutions, with the latter usually operating illegally. Therefore, do not skimp on paperwork and maintaining a larger room (at least in order to avoid subsequent sanctions against you) and register a private kindergarten. Make a business plan for the future preschool educational institution.
Step 3
Register with the tax authorities of the LLC. A legal entity must be registered as a non-state educational institution (non-state educational institution), receive a registration certificate, OKVED / OKPO codes, open a bank account, and notify the FSS of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about this.
Step 4
Find a suitable space and rent it. Usually, entrepreneurs are offered the building of a former state kindergarten as such a premises, which cannot be properly renovated due to a lack of funds in the city's budget.
Step 5
Renovate the premises. Invite the employees of the SES and the fire supervision service and get positive conclusions on the condition of the premises in accordance with the standards for the preschool educational institution.
Step 6
Purchase all the necessary equipment, furniture, toys, appliances, sanitary and household supplies.
Step 7
Hire staff for a private kindergarten. During the interview, pay special attention to the experience of teachers working with children in similar government institutions. It is important that the level of professional training of educators meets all modern requirements.
Step 8
Hire an accountant and cooks. Sign a contract with the food factory. Take care of the protection of the preschool educational institution.
Step 9
Contact your local Department of Education, submit your incorporation documents, a business plan for your private kindergarten, information on fire safety and sanitary conditions of the premises, and information on the teaching staff. Submit your registration documents with the tax authorities. A list of programs is also needed, according to which preschool education and education of children will be carried out. Submit information about your private kindergarten in the media.
Step 10
Contact the agencies for specialists to help you organize a competent advertising campaign.