Licensing is a required procedure for some types of business. To open a kindergarten, obtaining a license is mandatory.

It is necessary
- -the contract for the rental of premises;
- - the conclusions of the fire and sanitary services that the room meets the necessary requirements;
- -certificate confirming registration with the tax office;
- -articles of association;
- -educational program;
- -documents confirming the availability of the necessary methodological literature and training materials;
- -data about the teaching staff, the number of children, etc.
Step 1
To get started, register your own legal entity. It must be either LLC (limited liability company) or CJSC (closed joint stock company). You cannot do without this item, because only legal entities are licensed.
Step 2
Next, you need to solve several important questions, the answers to which will require you to issue a license. First, the premises. 6 square meters per child is the norm, so the total area you need for the garden must be calculated based on the specified parameter. Secondly, agree on the premises, equipment, food schedule, supplier and seller of products in special bodies. This is fire supervision and sanitary and epidemiological supervision.
Step 3
As soon as you get permission from the regulatory structures, start developing educational and educational programs. Moreover, by the time you go to apply for a license, you should have already formed a teaching staff (necessarily highly qualified!), Passed and received state certification for the performance of educational activities.
Step 4
When submitting documents to the Licensing Chamber, indicate all the areas in which you will be involved. This is due to the fact that the license is issued in a single copy and for everything at once. If you forget to specify something, then you will have to go through the whole procedure again to update the permitting document.
Step 5
After you solve the preliminary questions, collect the necessary package of documents. It includes: a lease agreement for the premises where your kindergarten will be located; conclusions issued to you by regulatory authorities (SES and GPN); a certificate confirming the fact of registration with the tax office; your organization's charter; a ready-made project of an educational and upbringing program; documents that confirm that you have prepared a material and technical base (availability of training materials and special literature, etc.); complete data on the team and the number of children.
Step 6
Deciding whether to grant you a license can take a long time. Sometimes the consideration of the issue lasts for a month. However, if your request is granted, then you can safely open your kindergarten without any problems.