The certificate of a self-regulatory organization in the field of construction today is a mandatory document for any construction organization carrying out work on construction, reconstruction or overhaul. Being an entrance ticket to the construction market, the SRO admission certificate, at the same time, indicates that the company belongs to a professional association, which has its own standards, requirements for the performance of work, as well as control measures.

It is necessary
- - List of SROs with contacts of devices and addresses of official sites;
- - A package of documents, which most often includes: a copy of the organization's charter, a copy of the order on the appointment of the head, the decision of the constituent assembly to make a decision on joining, staffing, etc. (the composition of the set of documents for joining may differ slightly for each SRO).
Step 1
Determine the market segment for which the company will apply when receiving the SRO admission certificate. Depending on the types of work for which the application will be issued, the requirements for the company may differ in the number of specialists with a higher technical education in the state, the volume of the material and technical base, etc. The final volume of types of work also affects the regular membership fees that the company must will pay in an SRO, so it is better to refuse unnecessary activities.
Step 2
Select several SROs that are optimal in terms of specialization, territorial location and other factors. Information about them can be found on the website of the National Association of Builders. It should be remembered that joining an SRO promises not only obtaining a certificate of admission, but also the opportunity to join the professional association of construction organizations. Therefore, along with the economic benefits, one should take into account the reputation, work experience and conscientiousness of the construction SRO.
Step 3
Find out the amount of all SRO contributions that will be required to join: one-time (some SROs have refused them), a contribution to the compensation fund (determined in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation) and a regular membership fee. All this information must be published on the official websites of the SRO.
Step 4
Study the internal standards and rules of membership for each SRO. This information should also be published on the official websites of the organizations. In this matter, companies often give preference to specialized self-regulatory organizations that unite members by areas of activity: oil and gas sector, road construction, etc. Such SROs, in addition to complying with all applicable rules and regulations, require their members to standardize according to internal norms that apply to all members.
Step 5
Prepare a package of documents for entry. Most often, potential SRO members are required to provide copies of the charter and order for the appointment of a leader. The decision to join a specific SRO is made by the meeting of founders, a copy of the protocol of which must also be included in the package of documents for membership. Application templates for membership are posted on the SRO website or are provided upon request from the apparatus. After consideration of the submitted documents by the control and collegial bodies of the SRO, a decision is made on the application for membership, and in case of a positive answer, a certificate of admission is issued.