Network marketing or MLM is a fairly new direction in business. The word "network marketing" is negative for most people. It is understandable, because there are a lot of fly-by-night companies that pretend to be a network business. In fact, they are not. They are also called financial pyramids. And these are completely different concepts.

What is MLM industry?
MLM is a multi-level marketing, in which goods from the manufacturer without intermediaries fall directly into the hands of the buyer. The word marketing itself means the delivery of goods from the manufacturer, and multilevel is a system of rewarding people for providing goods.
It is much cheaper to buy from networkers than in a regular store. After all, until the goods get there, they will make a price increase by more than 300%. And you will agree quite a lot. This will include not only the product, but also packaging, advertising costs for delivery, storage in warehouses, taxes, payment for work.
What network marketing gives us
- Unlimited earnings. How much you work and earn.
- A chance to become a millionaire. And create your own business.
- There will be no bosses, no alarm clocks, you will be free.
- Spend your vacation anywhere in the world.
- Receive gifts from the company in the form of cars, apartments, and cash rewards.
- You will connect with successful people.
Why are people afraid of network marketing?
The most important thing people are afraid of is deception. Remember the 90s, when MMM appeared on the market. How many people lost their money then? And for some reason people think that this is network marketing and they are wrong. In fact, it is a financial pyramid. There is no product or service here, what can you get money for if there is no turnover?
People have fear inside - what if I can't cope, I won't succeed, and in general I have no acquaintances. Who can I sell to? That's it, the man came up with an excuse for himself.
There is no money to invest in the business. Yes, of course, but why do we buy fur coats, televisions, expensive phones, cars? There is money for this. But not for your own business.
Who is Successful in the Networking Business?
Only 3 types of people achieve success: leaders, patience and tenacious people.
Leaders are clear who they are, the people who lead. Terpily are people who have nowhere to go, they have no money, no good job, but they have goals and dreams, and they go to them. Stubborn people are very difficult to lead off the intended path, so they go to their goal, no matter what!
Now we have figured out a little what the MLM industry or network marketing is, and people will not start treating it so negatively.