There are no legislative acts regulating the procedure for assigning numbers to issued invoices. The main thing is that continuous numbering is observed, and this is convenient for those who are involved in processing invoices and servicing contracts.

Step 1
Start numbering with a specific number. It is not necessary to assign the number "1" to the first account, you can start with the number "916" if you wish. If the organization issues a large number of invoices, you can start numbering from "0001" and periodically, for example, once a year, reset the serial number.
Step 2
Use hyphens or oblique slashes to separate the meaningful part of the account number. For example, in 2012, documents can be numbered 0001/12 and further, and in 2013, respectively, 0001/13. This way you can always determine in what time period the invoice was issued. Such a system is also good if the organization splits the payment into several parts. In this case, the account can be assigned the number 0025 / 12-1 /. The decoding of this account is as follows: the 25th account in 2012, the first part of the amount.
Step 3
Use alphabetic characters in the assignment of numbers. For example, if your organization has multiple departments, each of which issues invoices, it makes sense to enter the first (or any other) letter in the number. For example, the wholesales department can number accounts O-456-12, and retail accounts P-457-12. At the moment of receipt of funds to the current account, it will be immediately visible for which of the activities the money came.
Step 4
Enter the currency code if the organization has multiple accounts. This can be indicated in letters ("p", "e", "d") or using numbers. For example, if the dollar account code is "01", the number might look like 1578-01.
Step 5
Create your own digital numbering, reflecting the time period of invoicing, its serial number, the structural unit carrying out the transaction and the type of currency. For example, the number 1234/016/01/12 may mean the ruble account (01) of the sixteenth department (for example, for servicing individuals) in 2012 under number 1234. The main thing is not to forget to keep a journal of assigning numbers and not to get confused in the code designations.