When carrying out most banking operations, whether it is settlement and cash services or depository services, issuing a loan or providing a safe deposit box, the client is charged a commission for the services. Most often, accountants do not have problems taking into account the bank's remuneration, however, it has certain nuances.

Step 1
The accounting of the bank's services is regulated by PBU 10/99 "Organization expenses". Carefully study this document and be guided by its norms when reflecting costs in synthetic and analytical accounts.
Step 2
Paragraph 11 of the provision directly indicates that the costs associated with payment for services rendered by credit institutions are included in other costs. In other words, their synthetic accounting is kept on the account of the same name 91.2. To generate analytics, use the "Bank services" subconto.
Step 3
When drawing up the accounting policy of your company, indicate the procedure for attributing bank services to costs: how expenses are written off (on an accrual or cash basis), in what period, as recognized in accounting and reporting. Then proceed in accordance with these rules.
Step 4
To reflect bank commissions, use the posting to the debit of account 91.2 "Other expenses" from the credit of account 51 "Current account". Another option provides for the use of accounts 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" or 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors": Dt 76, Kt 51 - bank services were paid; Dt 91.2, Kt 76 (60) - the amount of payment was written off as expenses.
Step 5
The basis for conducting operations on accounting for the bank's remuneration is a memorial order for the corresponding amount and a statement of the current account. If you are using accounts 60 or 76, fill out an accounting statement.
Step 6
Banking services that are subject to VAT, for example, performing the functions of a currency control agent, deserve special attention. In this case, an invoice is attached to the memorial order for writing off the commission.
Step 7
To reflect such expenses, in addition to standard transactions, make entries on account 19 "Value added tax on purchased values." The transaction log will contain the following lines: 1) without using accounts 60 and 76: Dt 91.2, Kt 51 - the amount of commission without VAT; Dt 19, Kt 51 - VAT; 2) using accounts 60 and 76: Dt 76, Kt 51 - the full amount of the commission; Dt 91.2, Kt 76 (60) - the amount without VAT; Dt 19, Kt 76 (60) - VAT.