If you are sure that you or your relatives have bank accounts, then you will be able to obtain information about them only in exceptional cases. In the charter of any bank there is a clause on banking secrecy, so access to information is prohibited for random people.

Step 1
If you do not have a copy of the agreement and a passbook (or a similar document), contact the branch of the bank where the account was opened. In order for you to be able to issue a request for tracing an account, you will need a passport. The request is made in the name of the head of the branch of the bank where the account was opened. But in any case, it must be agreed with the administration of the central office.
Step 2
If you are going to get divorced and want your ex-spouse to give you half of his property, including half of the money in the bank, as required by law, then only the court will help you. Go to court with a statement of claim, in which list all movable and immovable property of the former second half and indicate the banks where, in your opinion, the accounts of the husband (wife) are located. Bailiffs will deal with the search for accounts. However, to do this, you must specify the names of the banks.
Step 3
If you know that a deceased relative, to whose inheritance you are entitled by law, has unclaimed bank accounts, contact a notary. The notary will send the request to the regional branch of the bank where the account was opened, or to the central office. Please be patient, as you will have to wait at least a month (usually longer) for an answer. As a result of the search, an information letter will be sent to the notary's address, which will list all account numbers and indicate the amounts.
Step 4
Pay the state fee, issue a certificate of the right to inheritance and contact any branch of this bank. However, the money will not be given to you right away, you will have to wait another 3-4 weeks, since all documents (including yours) will have to undergo a mandatory recheck.