When opening a bank account, the client is obliged to provide a variety of documents, the list of which is established by the National Bank and therefore is the same in all banking organizations. Opening an account for an individual is usually not a problem, but legal entities are required to collect a fairly impressive package of documents. To open an account, neither a legal entity nor an individual is required to provide certificates of the presence of any accounts in other banks, but only if this person does not want to apply for a loan.

It is necessary
Request in writing
Step 1
Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are obliged to notify the tax office when opening a bank account. Until the tax authority responds to the request sent automatically by the bank, the client cannot fully dispose of his funds. He has every right to replenish the account, but not to withdraw money or transfer to other accounts. If the client wants to get a loan, then he must provide data on open accounts with other banks in the form of a certificate.
Step 2
To get a certificate from the bank that serves the accounts, you must prepare a written request addressed to the head of the department for work with entrepreneurs and legal entities of the bank, or to the name of the head of the bank branch in which the accounts are opened. In the request, you must specify what kind of help is needed. This can be a certificate of the presence of a current account, a certificate of account balances, a certificate of the absence of credit debt, a certificate of closing an account, and so on. If the certificate must contain data on turnovers, then it is required to indicate the period and date with which the certificate should be issued.
Step 3
A written request must be certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of an authorized person, then assign an outgoing number and send it to the bank either by mail or provide it personally. For entrepreneurs who work without a seal, a signature is enough. A bank employee, upon receiving a request, registers it in the journal of received correspondence, assigns an incoming number and transfers it to the responsible specialist for working with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Based on the request, the latter prepares a certificate within 1-3 days. However, the bank charges additional fees for this type of service.
Step 4
An authorized person must also receive a ready-made certificate in the bank due to the fact that it is prepared in 2 copies and the client must sign on the copy of the bank, the date of receipt and the seal of the organization.