According to Russian law, all organizations must conduct an annual inventory of property. This is done before drawing up the annual accounts. Inventory involves a reconciliation of the actual availability of fixed assets with accounting data.

Each enterprise must keep records of fixed assets, that is, reflect the receipt, commissioning, installation, repair, write-off, lease, etc. As a rule, all this information is recorded in accounting. For each property on the balance sheet of the organization, an inventory card is started and an inventory number is assigned, which, even when renting, must be assigned to the object. The procedure for its determination is developed by the head of the organization and is recorded in the accounting policy of the organization.
Property inventory provides an assessment of the condition of objects, and also allows you to control the movement of fixed assets. This check is carried out by order of the head, he also appoints an inventory commission, which must include a chief accountant, a materially responsible person. Also in the order, the timing of the event is drawn up.
After that, the members of the commission must take all the technical documents for the property: passports, instructions and others. Also, the materially responsible person writes a receipt that all documents have been submitted to the accounting department before the start of the inventory, the movements are recorded and accounted for.
The members of the commission must record the presence of property, its condition. If something is missing or has become unusable, then the culprit is identified. All this is recorded in the inventory list, which is signed by all those present at the end. After verification, all data is transferred to the accounting department.
The inventory is carried out not only before the delivery of the annual financial statements, it is also necessary to carry out an audit when selling property, when renting an object, after the fact of theft, after an emergency (fire, flood, etc.), and also during the liquidation of the enterprise.