When opening a new enterprise, the newly-made owner first of all thinks about where to get the start-up capital. This issue is especially a big headache for entrepreneurs, whose business is considered to be small.

It is necessary
- - business plan,
- - a clear and logical justification for the profitability of the project;
- - guarantor.
Step 1
To obtain a loan, you must first create a business plan, with the help of which you can prove to a potential lender the importance of your company and your solvency. It should be remembered that lenders most often support small businesses only when there is material security, the role of which is usually played by the entrepreneur's real estate.
Step 2
First of all, pay attention to those who are next to you - friends and acquaintances. It is possible that one of them is able to help you in your endeavor. When using this option, you will receive a lower interest rate than in a bank, and you can always agree on a deferral if you need it. The other side of the matter is a moral duty to a loved one, who, in any case, needs to return his personal funds.
Step 3
On the investor market, there are specific support centers for the so-called small business. They work according to the following scheme: first, they receive a large loan from a bank, and then distribute this amount among their clients, and the selection of entrepreneurs is carried out very strictly. A very important role when working with such organizations is played by a business plan and proof of the profitability of your business. The main disadvantage of this scheme is that the interest on the loan may be higher than in the bank.
Step 4
Banks are another option for obtaining a loan to start your own business. Unfortunately, experts say this is the least attractive option. The reason lies not only in the high interest on the loan, but also in the complexity of the procedures that a novice entrepreneur must go through. Of course, you can get a loan here, but most often it is issued only to those businessmen whose business has already been completed and has certain working capital, which will be enough to repay the loan.
Step 5
To obtain a loan, it is not necessary to pledge your own property. To do this, you need to enlist the support of a large company with a good reputation, which in case of difficulties will be able to pay off the debt.