Many start-up entrepreneurs need a loan to start a business. At the same time, in the small business system, it is not at all easy to obtain funds on credit, because many of the banks consider it a very risky business to lend to companies that are not yet working. However, if it is more competent to choose a bank and provide it with all the necessary documents for obtaining a loan, then a positive result is very likely.

Step 1
Determine the amount of credit that you need to get to start a small business. To do this, take your business plan as a basis. It is in it that approximate calculations should be reflected. Therefore, relying on it, make all the necessary calculations and start looking for suitable banks that can provide you with this amount of money.
Step 2
Seek advice from a specialist in the bank of your choice. It is best to write your loan applications to several of the most suitable banks at once. As a rule, certain banks may not be suitable for you right away after consultation, while others you can safely submit documents.
Step 3
Submit the required package of documents to the bank. Most often, in order to obtain a loan for starting a small business, it is necessary to collect the following documents: - proof of the implementation of the project of entrepreneurial activity (business plan, license - if you have one); - certificate of positive credit history of the borrower or its absence (this document is not required, since almost all banks will independently check your credit history); - documents for collateral (these can be documents confirming your ownership of an apartment or car); - your passport, TIN.
Step 4
Find guarantors. Please note that this will increase your chances of getting a loan. It is best if you find two reliable and stable people.
Step 5
Pay the most attention to the documents you collect, especially the business plan. Indeed, in most cases, banks refuse to receive a loan precisely because enterprises are not able to analyze their own current position of the future firm in a supportive way and give a fairly clear answer about its development in the future. Your business project should show not only the ways of successfully starting a business, but also all the possible risks and principles for overcoming such crisis situations.