Setting up your own business in the countryside is a rather laborious process, as it is associated with specific difficulties. Basically, such factors include: a small number of residents and a long-term payback of the business itself. However, it is quite possible to overcome them if the entrepreneur becomes not only about his own benefit, but also about the needs of rural residents.

It is necessary
- - premises;
- - business plan;
- - start-up capital.
Step 1
Analyze the possibilities of creating and developing your business. For these purposes, study the market for the offered goods in the locality where you want to start your own business. Evaluate the production activities of competing firms.
Step 2
Think about who you can bring in to collaborate. Maybe you want your future enterprise to cooperate only with centralized suppliers, or you are planning to start purchasing goods from local residents. For example, you can purchase various agricultural products from them for further processing. In this case, you will need to conclude contracts with several processing companies and, if possible, ensure an uninterrupted supply of the necessary products.
Step 3
Choose a place, site or premises to open your company. If you are going to purchase a land plot for construction, then buy it with already connected communications. Indeed, in the countryside, there may simply not be enough power for your connection to gas, water or electricity.
Step 4
You can conclude a lease agreement for some empty space with the local administration. Just do not occupy an ordinary wooden empty house. After all, it can be privately owned, and the reaction of the villagers can be unpredictable.
Step 5
In turn, if you purchased a land plot for construction, you should definitely contact the cadastral service. This service will amend the USRR and draw up a new cadastral passport for you. Upon completion of construction, go to the BTI and take the act of the technical inventory of your premises. Then get a positive opinion from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as well as from the fire department. All this should be documented.
Step 6
Purchase the necessary equipment for the normal operation of your company. For example, if you decide to open a grocery store, be sure to buy refrigerators and freezers.
Step 7
Order the product that you want to offer the locals. On the first day of opening, run some kind of promotion to attract the first buyers.