How To Start Making Dumplings

How To Start Making Dumplings
How To Start Making Dumplings

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The production of dumplings can be established even at home, since large areas for its organization will not be required. At the same time, the productivity of a small dumpling workshop can be very high, the main thing is to skillfully organize the sale of finished products.

How to start making dumplings
How to start making dumplings

It is necessary

  • - equipment for the production of dumplings and several freezers;
  • - a small room connected to utilities and divided into a production area and a warehouse;
  • - a team of workers;
  • - established business relationships with suppliers of meat, flour and other ingredients.


Step 1

Find a convenient supplier of equipment necessary for the production of dumplings. You can purchase the entire necessary line with only about one million rubles at your disposal. Usually, three units are involved in the production of dumplings - an apparatus for making dough, an apparatus for preparing minced meat and a molding machine. It will also not be possible to do without several powerful freezers in the warehouse.

Step 2

Find a room in which you can place equipment, as well as create a small warehouse for raw materials and finished products. It is not at all necessary to take the production of dumplings out of the city or to an industrial zone - you just need to find an inexpensive rental offer, provided that the rented building will be connected to all engineering systems (water supply, sewerage, electricity).

Step 3

Advertise vacancies in free classifieds newspapers - you will need about five employees who may not have the relevant experience and qualifications. Training can be organized for the first brigade, the equipment supplier will certainly help with this. In the future, new employees will receive the necessary skills directly in production, interacting with an already experienced team.

Step 4

Create an optimal base of suppliers of raw materials for the manufacture of dumplings - the necessary ingredients must be ordered in bulk on a regular basis. The technology and recipe for the production of dumplings may vary, but in any case, you will need meat (pork or beef), flour and onions. Some manufacturers also actively use textures - flour-based meat substitutes, "zest" can also be added using a variety of spices. When working with suppliers, always have spare options, since only production continuity is the key to your stable profit.
