In a market economy, the success of a particular trading firm depends on many factors. One of the main ones is a well-built marketing strategy and well-thought-out management of the most important part of marketing - sales. The successful sale of goods is their continuous promotion. How to organize sales properly?

Step 1
It is not enough to create the product itself to create demand for it. People do not make purchases until they are convinced that this particular product is necessary for them and they are not stimulated to purchase it.
We are all familiar with the traditional quizzes in newspapers and magazines during the period of subscription campaigns, gifts in the form of hundreds of tiny toys inside Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs. Rarely does a major store use discount cards or run three-for-two sales. These are all incentives and sales promotion techniques. In general, they can be grouped into several groups.
Step 2
There are many price discounts:
• discounts that are provided subject to the purchase of a certain amount of goods,
• bonus discounts - for regular customers (3-5%), discounts on strictly specified days of the week (for example, on the cost of tickets to the planetarium on weekdays, on tickets to the cinema for screenings in the morning), • discounts on seasonal goods (sale of winter shoes in the summer months), • discounts dedicated to holidays (company anniversary, national holiday), • discounts for selected categories of buyers (pensioners, military personnel, newlyweds, etc.), • discounts on models of products of previous years when more modern samples are released, • discount when paying for goods in "cash", • a discount when purchasing a new product with the delivery of the old model (exchange of goods), • "instant sale" discount (for example, prices are reduced for 1 hour in a certain department of a shopping center to attract customers).
This technique can be effective, since, according to marketing experts, up to 70% of visitors to large retail outlets make a purchase decision while in the store. Moreover, at the exit it turns out that three quarters of all purchases were simply not planned.
• discount when buying a set of goods (the amount will be lower than the price of a single item).
Step 3
Distribution of coupons.
A coupon is a kind of certificate that gives the buyer the right to certain savings when purchasing a specific product. Coupons are very popular in many countries. They restrict price reductions to only those buyers who are truly price sensitive, and allow you to adjust the time frame for sales promotion. Coupons also contribute to the testing of new products and help to put into practice the principle of customer exclusivity.
Step 4
All kinds of awards and free samples.
A bonus can be rewarded to a buyer who has purchased a certain number of commodity items or products for a certain amount. A kind of premium can be branded packaging, which can be used by the consumer in the future (for example, wooden barrels from honey, beautiful ceramic containers). When new products are introduced to the market (new brands of food products, perfumes), “sampling” promotions are often implemented - free distribution of samples.
Step 5
Games are often used to stimulate sales: contests, lotteries or quizzes.
In our country, these forms, as sales promotion tools, often turn out to be very effective. Market researchers see the reason also in this foundation: one of the features of the national mentality and the innate mental structure of Russian consciousness is belief in a miracle.