Large funds are not needed to enter the international market; it is more difficult to do this without having an idea of the country, information about supply and demand. Obtaining this data can be complicated by a language barrier. If colleagues abroad are interested in your product, they can invest their own funds to promote it locally. Therefore, it is important to find partners.

Step 1
Take advantage of information resources. Submit a commercial offer, take part in virtual exhibitions, study projects, perhaps you can find an investor who promotes business abroad.
Step 2
Make "packing". Come up with an attractive offer based on the characteristics of the competitive environment. Better, of course, to visit the country and find out everything on the spot. Research competitors' pricing and products in detail.
Step 3
Study the circle of potential customers, use the services of a local marketing agency, use different sales channels: not only a network of resellers (companies that resell hosting services of a hosting company that do not have their own server equipment - data center, server, etc., but simply resell, giving you the opportunity to create your own business), but also internet hosting providers.
Step 4
Visit exhibitions. There you will find business partners. Moreover, personal communication gives much more than correspondence acquaintance.
Step 5
Look for business advice, which comes from companies that have been in business for a long time and have experience in doing business internationally. Such societies function under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There are 58 business councils: Russian-Indian, Russian-Venezuelan, Russian-South African, Russian-Nigerian and others. You can get information about the country, ask for help in finding new partners.
Step 6
Contact the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is not necessary to be a member of this organization, it is enough to conduct your business on the territory of the Russian Federation. They will tell you the procedure for doing business abroad, explain where to start, how long it will take to complete the necessary documents and answer other questions.
Step 7
Send to the International Chamber of Commerce - The World Business Organization (ICC) a list of proposals for potential foreign partners. This organization is independent, non-governmental and non-profit. The chambers of commerce and industry include business associations and enterprises from 140 countries. The office is located in Paris, so you should write there. Alternatively, contact the World Chambers Federation (WCF) or the World Business Organization. Submit a request to the chamber of commerce of any country yourself, after a while you will receive information about companies that may be interested in your field of activity.
Step 8
Take care of quality service - in most cases, this is enough for success. Having chosen the country where you want to do business, overcome the language barrier, study the specifics of doing business, pay attention to interpersonal relationships. Be sure to sort out the technical equipment, especially with local technical support on site.