Maternity capital is an excellent incentive for the birth of a second child. After all, the program provides an excellent opportunity to improve your living conditions or provide your child with an education. But more and more rumors about the curtailment of the program, and many families are afraid not to fall under its influence.

The essence of the "Maternity capital" program
The law providing for the provision of maternity capital to families came into effect on January 1, 2007. It is aimed at providing additional measures of state support for the following categories of citizens:
- women who gave birth to their second child after January 1, 2007;
- men who are the only adoptive parents of a second, third child or subsequent children.
The size of maternity capital is indexed annually by the state. In 2014, its size was 429,408 rubles, while in 2007 - 250,000 rubles.
Maternity capital can be obtained only once. If a certificate for the second child has already been issued, then when the third appears, it is no longer possible to receive this type of state aid again.
In addition to federal maternity capital, each region has its own family support measures and regional certificates.
Terms of implementation of the program and the procedure for its use
The maternity capital program covers all families in which a second and subsequent child was born and adopted in the period from 2007 to December 31, 2016. In this case, the child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
According to the FIU, from 2009 to 2013, more than 4.6 million families received maternity capital. The main part uses it to improve housing conditions - about 97% of all payments are directed for these purposes.
If the family does not have time to spend the maternity capital by 2016, there is no reason for panic. Certificate holders can use it after 2016 in all possible areas - improving living conditions, obtaining an education for the child and forming the funded part of the mother's pension. The FIU emphasizes that the owners of the certificate can dispose of it in an unlimited time period. The family loses the right to use the certificate only if the child is born in 2017 or later.
Until what year can you get the certificate? If the right to receive a certificate arose before 2017, it can be obtained even after the end of the program. Even after the child reaches the age of 3, but no later than 23 years of age.
The procedure for issuing a certificate is standard - you need to contact the Pension Fund with an appropriate application, and then you just have to wait for the fund's decision within 1 month. The certificate is handed over personally or sent by mail.
Refusal to issue a certificate is rare. The main reasons for a negative decision are the parents' lack of citizenship of the Russian Federation, deprivation of their parental rights or the establishment of facts of inaccuracy of the data provided.
It is likely that the program will be extended until 2025 due to its widespread popularity and the successful achievement of its goal of increasing the birth rate. The possibility of making such a decision is being discussed in the Government.