Money is good for everyone, except for one thing - it runs out too quickly. It seems that a week ago there was a salary - but no longer. And where has gone - it is not known. It seems that you didn’t lose in the casino, you didn’t arrange binges with gypsies, you didn’t even have time to buy new trousers planned for a long time - and your finances have already “spent themselves” somewhere. How to learn not to waste your money?

Step 1
The first thing to do is to physically limit yourself in spending. Refuse to use plastic cards (such "virtual" money is spent especially imperceptibly), go to settlements only in cash.
Step 2
Unlearn carrying large amounts of money. Leaving home in the morning, take with you exactly as much as you plan to spend. For example, transport plus a predetermined amount for lunch, plus bread to be bought on the way back. Everything. A very simple but effective way. In this case, even a slight excess of the estimate will automatically lead to the fact that you either remain without bread, or go home five stops from the metro on foot. A couple of such walks - and you will learn to keep yourself "in check".
Step 3
Going to the store, take with you exactly as much money as you plan to spend. If there are only large bills in the house - well, then determine the amount beyond which you do not allow yourself to "crawl out." Make a list of the purchases to be made, dividing them into “necessary” and “desirable”. And go shopping with a calculator. We put the product in the basket and added its cost to the total amount. Naturally, it is necessary to start with the necessary, and acquire the desirable only if there is a financial "reserve" left.
Step 4
Plan your spending in advance. After receiving your salary, set aside money for the necessary monthly expenses (rent, travel card, food for pets, loan payments, etc.), planned large spending, replenish the "stash". Divide the rest over 4 envelopes. This is your weekly budget and should never be exceeded.
Step 5
Write down all your expenses. After a while, analyze your "home bookkeeping" - maybe you should avoid any expenses? For example, if dining outside the home accounts for the lion's share of your daily expenses, is it worth buying a lunch box and carrying homemade food with you to work? Both healthier and cheaper.
Step 6
And always and everywhere, before spending money, carefully study the price tags. If the cost is not indicated - do not hesitate to ask about it. Then the amount of the check in a store or cafe will not come as a surprise to you.