When organizing any enterprise, the question inevitably arises about the removal of garbage, solid household and industrial waste from production activities. The process of their removal from the enterprise includes the formation, accumulation, primary processing and transfer of waste to the services that carry out their loading and removal from the temporary storage area.

Step 1
In accordance with current legislation, all waste is divided into five classes, determined by the degree of danger to the environment and human health. So, the first class includes, for example, fluorescent lamps, and the fifth - garbage and food waste, scrap of ferrous metals, containers, etc.
Step 2
Storage of waste on the territory of the enterprise depends on their class, physical and chemical properties, state of aggregation, origin, degree of danger to human life and health.
Step 3
The accumulation of industrial waste should be carried out in certain places, separately at each division, equipped with special containers for each type of waste. The number of containers is determined by calculation.
Step 4
Waste storage areas should have a special waterproof coating (concrete, asphalt) and easy access for vehicles.
Step 5
Information about the type of waste, the owner of the container, the inventory number and the number of the container site are put on the containers with indelible paint.
Step 6
The container site itself contains information about the site owner, its number (name), and the waste removal schedule. The locations of such sites are determined by the management of the enterprise.
Step 7
Hazardous industrial wastes (I – III degrees) are stored in specially equipped places in compliance with all storage and safety rules until they are removed by specialized vehicles for disposal or destruction.
Step 8
For household waste and garbage on the territory of the enterprise, bins with a capacity of at least 10 liters are installed. Litter-bins should be installed at the entrance of each division (workshop). The number of urns is also determined by calculation.
Step 9
For garbage disposal, a service agreement is concluded with a specialized municipal or private enterprise that is licensed to export, utilize, recycle, and destroy waste of varying degrees of hazard. The export schedule is agreed upon when drawing up the contract.