To get rich little by little (as folk wisdom says: "The quieter you go, the further you will be"), it is enough just to reasonably and deliberately take care of your finances every day. We often see that "quick" wealth for some reason does not lead to a life of constant prosperity. A lot of people who won big money, for example, in lotto, after some time live at the same level as before winning, and all because they could not foresee the consequences of their extravagance.

Step 1
Do not keep large amounts of money on a regular bank card. Compare and choose the best savings account currently available and earn with interest on deposits. The differences may seem minor, but as Einstein said: "The greatest invention of mankind is the sum of percentages."
Step 2
Be frugal. However, this does not mean that you only need to eat bread and butter or live in a cardboard box on the street. Reduce spending on luxuries and the like that you can do without. You can replace them with cheaper ones that are not always of poor quality.
Step 3
Always follow the basic principle: spend less than you earn.
Step 4
Pay yourself. To do this, as soon as you receive your next salary, transfer 10% to a savings account. Why such a sum? In most cases, at the end of the month, there is no difference whether we spent 90% or 100% of our salary.
Step 5
Stop or limit one of your fixed costs. If, for example, you buy a cup of coffee for 50 rubles every day on your way to work, then it is easy to calculate that you will spend 13,000 rubles a year on this. Not a little, isn't it?
Step 6
Get smarter by reading more about personal finance. There are many sites and blogs that deal with this topic, so finding the right material shouldn't be a problem.
Step 7
Think about your project. You can do this at the very beginning of your career or during the course of work. A successful business will allow you to achieve incomes at an incomparable level until now.