Network sales or, in other words, network marketing is the sale of goods with the help of distributors - people who directly offer to purchase products. In this business, only a few achieve real success, the rest are trying to find a buyer, spending a lot of time and effort and receiving very little remuneration.

It is necessary
- - small initial capital for the first installment
- - a lot of free time
- - sociable cheerful character
- - patience and perseverance
Step 1
Many people have heard about network marketing: someone tried himself in this business, someone else did it with friends. Some confuse it with a pyramid scheme and are very afraid of just one word. But it is worth understanding the difference between network marketing and a pyramid scheme, because the latter is illegal and, in principle, cannot exist for a long time. After all, its essence lies only in the fact - pay money for the entrance, bring your acquaintances and get money for it, they will bring their own and you will also receive your% from this. At the core there is no commodity, just a money cycle takes place, and at one point everything collapses. The first comers can really make money, but in the end, everything will end quickly.
Step 2
Network marketing implies the presence of any product that needs to be sold. This implementation is carried out directly by people-distributors, but in addition to direct income, you can receive income by also bringing people, creating a network, and you also get% from their sales - the more people are under you, the less effort is needed on your part to earn since in the end, all of your referred people will provide your income.
Step 3
To make money in online sales, you need to have certain character traits: sociability, obsession, perseverance and patience. Indeed, during the work you will have to constantly communicate with people and sometimes listen to a lot of hard-hitting things about yourself and your products.
Step 4
If you still want to try yourself in this business, then you should carefully choose a network company, because the level of your income strongly depends both on the products presented - how interesting it is to the consumer, as well as its price-quality ratio, and on the company's marketing plan, i.e. how remuneration is paid and for what.
Step 5
When joining a network company, you will need to make an initial payment, for which you receive a certain amount of products - you can choose it yourself, or the product package is the same for all new members - it depends on the conditions of a particular company.
Step 6
If you just sell your product through direct sales, i.e. offering it to all acquaintances and strangers and getting a% of sales from this, then this is no different from the usual work of a seller. The essence of network sales is precisely to create a network of distributors whom you will find and help them also find and train their people. The larger your created network of people, the higher your income will be.
Step 7
In order to achieve a high level of so-called passive income, i.e. when you no longer sell anything, but you get money regularly, it takes a lot of time. Do not think that in a couple of months you will be able to relax at home and count the money received. In network marketing, you have to work hard and hard, attend various trainings and seminars, help your people also develop - only in this case you can earn really good money.