What To Do If You Forgot Your Card At A Sberbank ATM

What To Do If You Forgot Your Card At A Sberbank ATM
What To Do If You Forgot Your Card At A Sberbank ATM

ATMs are equipped with a special sound system that reminds customers to pick up the card after the transaction. However, it is not uncommon for people to forget their cards anyway. What to do in such a situation?

What to do if you forgot your card at a Sberbank ATM
What to do if you forgot your card at a Sberbank ATM

Most often, the card at the ATM is forgotten in one of two cases: either they leave as soon as they finish the operation, or, thinking, they do not have time to get the card from the ATM, and he “eats” it. Each of these situations has its own algorithm of actions.

What to do if the cardholder leaves the ATM?

If a person left the card at the ATM and left, it must be blocked as soon as possible so that no one else can withdraw money from the account. This can be done in two ways:

  • by phone number;
  • through the Internet.

To block the card by phone, you need to find out the bank's hotline number: it must be indicated on the official website of the financial institution, or near the ATM. The call is free, and it would be best to call from the number to which the mobile bank is linked.

The operator will ask you to provide information about the card and the owner, and then immediately block it. In this case, the card is no longer valid, i.e. no one will be able to withdraw money from her, but the account remains open to the owner.

To block a card via the Internet, you need to enter your personal account on the bank's website, then select a forgotten card from the list and click on the "block" button. The blocking will happen immediately.

In addition, banks often release special applications for phones, which also allow you to block cards (for example, Sberbank Online Android). To do this, you need to go to the application, select the lost card in the same way and click "block".

You need to be prepared for the fact that after blocking the card, Internet banking will also stop working, since the card will receive the status of inactive for performing any operations. The money will remain in the account, but it will be possible to withdraw it only at the bank upon presentation of a passport.

Funds cannot be transferred to such a card either, but since her account remains active, any payments come to it.

After the card is no longer valid, you need to contact any of the bank branches and explain the situation to the manager. In the event that no one took the card, at the next collection it can be taken and returned to the owner in a few days - they will call from the bank, he will come to the branch and easily pick it up.

If a stranger managed to pick up the card, it will no longer be restored, since its solvency will be considered lost forever, even if the card is returned to the owner later.

This happens because card data can get to third parties, which, in turn, can lead to fraud in the future. A financial institution, on the other hand, seeks to protect its customers. In the event of this kind of loss of the card, it is reissued and new details are assigned. And the owner needs to be prepared for the fact that the restoration takes a long time.

What to do if the card is "eaten" by an ATM?

The fact is that if you do not pick up the card after 30 seconds, the ATM will pick it up for security purposes. Usually ATMs make characteristic sounds so that the client does not forget about the card, but in noisy places (shopping centers, for example) this may not be heard.

If this happens, you do not need to panic, since the money will not go anywhere from the card. The device will place it in a special compartment, from where the bank employees will remove the card at the next collection. And the algorithm of the victim's actions depends on whether the Sberbank ATM "ate" the card of another financial institution or the same Sberbank.

If the card was issued by Sberbank, then you need to do the following:

  • contact the branch where it was issued, explain the situation to the manager and ask where and when the card can be taken (this can also be done by calling the hotline);
  • the manager will inform you when the next collection will take place, at which the card is removed from the ATM - as a rule, it takes several days;
  • you need to come for a card with a passport so that bank employees can verify the identity of the owner, and you also have to write an application.

If the card was issued by another bank, the procedure will be as follows:

  • in the same way, you need to call the Sberbank hotline, find out when you can come;
  • visit the issuing bank to get confirmation that the card really belongs to the owner;
  • with this confirmation and passport, come to the Sberbank branch to write an application and pick up the card.

And you need to be prepared for the fact that the timing of when you can pick up the card will differ depending on whether it belonged to Sberbank or not. And if the card was "someone else's", you may have to wait up to two weeks.

If the card has been forgotten at an ATM abroad, the best way out is to call the bank's hotline and ask to block it, since the withdrawal procedure will be too complicated.
