What To Do If You Forgot Your Card Pin

What To Do If You Forgot Your Card Pin
What To Do If You Forgot Your Card Pin

Not every owner of a plastic card knows that it is impossible to restore the PIN code from her. Many people believe that doing this is no more difficult than getting a forgotten password from an e-mail inbox. You can understand this opinion, because different passwords to any other data are quite easily recoverable, but the PIN code is another matter, because we are talking about your money.

What to do if you forgot your card pin
What to do if you forgot your card pin

The owner of a plastic card should know that a pin code is information that no one else possesses except himself. It is not even in some very well encrypted database of the bank that issued you the card. You probably remember how you got your PIN? It was brought in a sealed envelope. There was a paper on which he was written, and it also contained instructions that these numbers should be memorized and the paper itself should be destroyed.

The reason is that the PIN-code is generated in the bank once, its copy is not saved anywhere. If you ask how the ATM will know that you are entering the correct pin code, then the answer is not so simple: a special encryption algorithm is designed in such a way that when you enter the pin code, you can unambiguously establish its truth, but by the cipher that is available at the bank, you cannot calculate the pin code.

Simply put, if the PIN code is forgotten, then to the question of how to find it, the answer will be the same: no way.

But it’s not that bad. First, few people actually destroy pin envelopes. Many simply put them in documents, where they lie among other papers, not disturbed by anyone. If this is the case with you, then just remember where you put the cherished envelope. Often people write down the PIN code of the card somewhere else so as not to forget.

If you are not one of those who save envelopes with a code, and you also did not write it down, just in case, that is, the PIN code has been forgotten firmly and thoroughly, then do not try to enter approximate options at the ATM. The fact is that after several attempts the card will be blocked, it may also happen that the ATM will refuse to return it to you. If the card was withdrawn by him, immediately call the support service of your bank.

In any case, there is only one way out: you need to go to your bank, which will offer you a card reissue. The money on the account will remain the same, but the card itself will be brand new, and its PIN code will be completely different.

If you need money first of all, you can get it at a bank branch, having a passport in hand. Also, you must have a card or at least its number. Sometimes card details are not required.

Even if you have forgotten the PIN-code of the card, you can still use it. You can use it to pay in stores, they often do not require you to enter a pin code, your signature is enough. It is also possible to make online purchases with a card.

It is recommended to follow some rules about the PIN code:

1. Never write it down on the card itself. In the event of its loss or theft, you yourself transfer all your funds into the hands of intruders or outsiders.

2. Write down the pin code somewhere, but do not carry this record with you, keep it in a safe place.

3. It is best to try to remember the PIN code, because it is only 4 digits.
