When transferring funds to a bank card, the client's current account number must be accurately known, for this you need to have correct data. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the money will be transferred to an outside bank account and it will take quite a long time to find it.

How to open a current account using a bank card
Bank cards have long and firmly entered the life of ordinary people, they are much more convenient than the usual cash. More and more large and medium-sized businesses are switching to settlements with their employees using bank cards. To be able to experience all the conveniences of this means of payment, you must have an open current account with a servicing bank. As a rule, large companies order and control this process on their own, employees just have to sign a contract for banking services without visiting a bank branch. For everyone else, this point can be a bit tricky.
The process of making a bank card takes a certain amount of time. First, you need to write an application to the selected bank, after which an appropriate service agreement must be drawn up, which indicates the most complete data about the individual; the purpose for which the current account is opened; type of card (debit, credit, social, etc.); the payment system is selected. After a certain period of time, required for the production of a personalized bank card, the manager must call the client and invite him to receive the banking product.
How to find out the number of the current account of your bank card
Receiving a bank card in hand, the client is handed an envelope with a PIN code and a copy of the contract for servicing the current account. Depending on the selected service, the package of documents may include other additional agreements. The agreement must indicate the number of the current account, which differs from the number of the bank card itself. This combination of 20 digits must be communicated to your partners and counterparties if you need to receive a money transfer. There are several ways to find out this data if you cannot find it in the contract:
- when carrying out a payment transaction at an ATM or payment terminal, the screen displays data on the account number with which the actions are performed;
- in most large banks, you can connect an online payment system. To do this, you need to activate the Mobile Banking service. If the client uses this opportunity, the current account number can be found on his page after entering the required passwords;
- you can also call the bank by calling the hotline. Calls to the hotline in most banks are free of charge. After checking the information about the cardholder, the operator will announce the client's current account number. If the data during verification does not match, the employee will refuse to provide any information about the current account, referring to bank secrecy. In this case, you need to personally contact the branch of the servicing bank, present your documents, and the operator will provide the necessary information.