A New Service For Paying Taxes Has Appeared On The FTS Website

A New Service For Paying Taxes Has Appeared On The FTS Website
A New Service For Paying Taxes Has Appeared On The FTS Website

IFTS added new features to its website. Now citizens can pay taxes through the dedicated service "Pay taxes" using the index of the payment document.

We pay taxes online
We pay taxes online

The service is suitable for individuals and legal entities, as well as for individual entrepreneurs.

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Here you can pay state. duty, trade fee and fill out a payment order.

For individuals

In this section, you can go to your personal account, pay state. duty, form a payment order, as well as pay insurance premiums and taxes.

Using the service "Payment of taxes, insurance premiums of individuals", you can generate payment documents to pay various types of taxes (transport, land, property, income) and insurance premiums. And also pay a debt or a fine for a late tax return (No. 3-NDFL). In addition, all these documents can be printed out immediately or used for online payment.

How to use

Let's look at the example of a service for individuals to pay taxes and insurance premiums.

1. Simple or more complicated

If you have a payment document in your hands, enter its index (UIN) in a special field. Second option: generate a document directly in the system, the button is located below.

During the work with the service for filling out the document, tips pop up on the right.

To find out the exact figures for taxes, you need to go to your personal account. If you know them or want to pay in advance, then you can do it without using your personal account.

2. Requisites

So, first, select the type of payment (land tax, property tax, etc.), then the type of payment. There are two options here: tax and interest. We pay the tax first, because the data on penalties can be updated for about two weeks, i.e. and in your personal account they are not relevant at the moment. After the tax is debited (also not in one day), you can pay interest.

Next, enter the details of the recipient of the payment: for example, for property tax, this is the address of the taxable object (see carefully how it is proposed to fill in the address: you do not need to enter the word “street”, “city”, etc.), the IFTS code and the municipality. The last two are filled in automatically.

Then we enter the details of the taxpayer: full name, TIN and address of residence. If you do not remember your TIN, you can find it on the same website using a special service.

3. Actually, payment

Then click "Pay", choose cash or bank transfer. In the second case, we are looking for our bank (or payment system) in the list. Unfortunately, it may not be there. The main condition of the tax authorities is the absence of additional commissions, so not all of them have pulled up.

In this case, choose cash, then use the generated receipt to pay tax through the online service of your bank.


Paying taxes becomes easier and more convenient for citizens. Now you can skip the line and pay from home using the new service. Most importantly, do not forget about security and use only sites you know.
