Under the new legislation, foreign citizens who come to Russia from countries with a visa-free regime must apply for patents. Since 2015, they have replaced work permits.

It is necessary
- - application for the grant of a patent;
- - passport (with a notarized translation into Russian);
- - migration card with a note on the purpose of arrival;
- - a certificate confirming the level of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of the Russian Federation and the basics of legislation;
- - VHI policy issued on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- - certificate of absence of drug addiction and dangerous infectious diseases;
- - certificate of absence of HIV infection;
- - a document confirming the advance payment of personal income tax in a fixed amount;
- - documents on registration at the place of stay.
Step 1
Previously, patents gave the right to work only for individuals. Now they extend their effect to work for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. In this case, it is necessary to obtain separate patents for work with legal entities or individuals. It should also be borne in mind that the patent is valid only in one region.
Step 2
To obtain a patent, a foreign citizen must personally apply to the regional office of the FMS. He needs to write an application for a patent and attach an impressive package of documents. All of the listed documents are mandatory and the absence of any of them may become grounds for refusal.
Step 3
In case of a positive decision, a foreign citizen will be issued a patent within 10 working days after submitting an application. The patent is issued by personal visit upon presentation of a passport.
Step 4
The term of the patent is from a month to a year. The term of the patent is established for the period for which personal income tax is paid. Payment is made in advance, and the paid patent is automatically renewed without the need for a visit to the FMS. In case of non-payment, the patent expires the next day.
Step 5
The cost of patents varies depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. So, for Moscow and the region, the monthly personal income tax in 2016 was set at 4200 rubles, for the Tomsk region - 2500 rubles. One of the most expensive patents in Yakutia and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - 7000 and 8000 rubles.
Step 6
Within two months from the date of issue of the patent, a foreign citizen who has entered into a labor or civil law contract must submit a copy of it to the FMS. This can be done in person or by registered mail.