How To Check What Loans I Have

How To Check What Loans I Have
How To Check What Loans I Have

Table of contents:


Today, very often people have loan obligations without their participation. The most common fraud in this area is obtaining a loan using a fake passport, lost by a negligent owner and not canceled in time by law enforcement agencies.

On time - saving your money
On time - saving your money

It is necessary

Your passport; TIN; access to the Internet


Step 1

The first and easiest way to find out about the presence of debts in financial institutions is to sit and wait for a phone call from the lender's bank to your home number. As a rule, banks and other financial institutions start calling unscrupulous payers from the 10th day of delay in loans. Also, after a month or two, so-called letters of happiness come home with notification of the amount owed and penalties for late payment.

Step 2

If you have or had a card account in the bank, and you have not used it for a long time or decided to completely forget about it, this does not mean that there cannot be a so-called unauthorized loan. It appears when the bank's services for servicing this account accumulate in a negative balance. Banks generally do not bother clients with such small amounts, but they can turn out to be huge debt in a few years. Therefore, based on the principle of your own peace of mind, all card accounts must be closed immediately after the decision to part with them is made and this must be done personally at the bank. If you use this account, discover the Internet banking service, where all available funds are indicated online, incl. and debts. For this purpose, you can also use the ATM of the bank whose credit card you are using.

Step 3

You can contact the credit bureaus in person or through their official website. But here one cannot be completely sure of the absolute quality of the information received. The problem is that not all banks conclude an agreement on transferring the data of their debtors to the bureau, and the credit communities do not cooperate with it. Therefore, the information received cannot be a guarantee that you will not have loans that you do not know about.

Step 4

Conduct an analysis of the official websites of financial institutions that issue loans quickly, in cash and only with a passport. The trouble is that, as a rule, there are more than a hundred such organizations. You can call all the numbers of their contact centers with a request to check the availability of loans by last name, first name, patronymic and TIN. This method is inconvenient in that a huge amount of time must be spent on analysis, and on calls too. At the same time, banks and credit communities are extremely negative about the provision of such information over the telephone.

Step 5

The most accurate way to find out about the availability of loans unknown to you is to contact all lending organizations from your list in writing by registered mail. In the letter, you must indicate the question you are interested in about the availability of loans in your name, attach a copy of the new passport and a document from law enforcement agencies about the loss of the previous passport. They are obliged to answer you within thirty days, and if it turns out that there are such loans and they were not received by you, the only proof will be a certificate from law enforcement agencies with the date of your statement about the loss of your passport. Therefore, such an incident must be reported on the day of loss / theft and a document on fixing must be requested from law enforcement officers.
