How To Opt Out Of A Credit Card

How To Opt Out Of A Credit Card
How To Opt Out Of A Credit Card

Table of contents:


Every respectable bank considers it its duty to send a client who took even a small loan, his credit card. As a rule, the client's permission is not asked for this. But the party receiving such a gift has a lot of questions. For example, is it possible to refuse this card?

How to opt out of a credit card
How to opt out of a credit card

It is necessary

  • In order to refuse a credit card, you will need:
  • -telephone;
  • -contract;
  • -map.


Step 1

You can refuse the card as soon as you take it out of your mailbox. This is easy enough to do, you just need to break it or cut it. And then throw it away.

Step 2

If you used the card, repaid the debt and do not want to borrow more money from this bank, then you need to contact the bank with a written statement about this. Moreover, you need to write a statement in two copies, so that the bank does not say that they have not seen any statement. And be sure to assure him. Otherwise, it will be difficult to prove that the bank saw this statement. An important addition: do not forget to pick up the certificate confirming the closure of the credit account.

Step 3

If you have used the card for a long time and successfully, but its validity expires, and you understand that you no longer want to live on credit, then you need to take care of canceling the card in advance. At least a month before the expiration of the credit card, you need to write an application to the bank notifying him that you no longer need the card. Indeed, if the bank issues a new card for you for the first time, then, according to certain clauses of the agreement concluded when issuing the card, it has the right to demand a fine or forfeit from you. And, of course, changing the card does not mean free debt cancellation. If by the time the card expires, you still have an outstanding loan, then you will need to pay back the money further.

Step 4

And one moment. If at one time you decided to issue a credit card for yourself and even ordered it from a bank, and then changed your mind, you can still refuse plastic. To do this, you must again come to the bank and write an application. It will be easier for those who wrote an application for a card, and not for a loan. Those who asked for a loan and changed their minds will need to record their unwillingness in writing.
