First of all, it should be noted that you can get your credit history for free only once a year. Paid - as much as necessary. This is the first thing. Second, do not forget that your credit history is kept in one of the credit bureaus. They are called the Bureau of Credit Histories, abbreviated as BCH. If loans were obtained from different banks, then the credit history can be stored in different CRIs. A complete list of CHBs can be found at (Federal Service for Financial Markets). Third, in order to obtain a credit history, you need to know your credit history subject code. This is a set of numbers and letters that the borrower leaves at the first loan application.

Step 1
So, here are the steps to get your credit history for free:
Online your credit history can be viewed on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in the section "Central catalog of credit histories"
Step 2
In this section, select the item "Request for information about credit history bureaus" on the left in the menu;
Select the sub-item "Subject" (this is the required information);
Step 3
Next, fill in all passport data, credit history subject code; E-mail address;
Press the button "Send data";
Step 4
A reply from CCCI (Central Catalog of Credit Histories) will be sent to the indicated e-mail address. If the answer comes that none of the CRI stores the desired credit history, this means that it simply does not exist.
Step 5
If the code of the subject of the credit history is unknown or forgotten, then you must proceed as follows:
Apply with your passport to any bank. According to federal law, the bank is obliged to provide a list of BCHs, state and commercial, where the required credit history can be stored.
Step 6
Next, write a statement to the bank with a request to provide a list of BCHs. Banks cannot refuse on the basis of the absence of a subject of credit history in the applicant's code, because banks can request such information without a code
Step 7
After the bank issues a list of BCHs, all that remains is to apply there and get a credit history for free. If the BCI is located in another city, you can send a free-form application to the director of the bureau, but it must be certified by a notary. The application is sent by regular mail, and the BKI will send the credit history to the address you specified, within 10 days, as stated in the law.