According to analysts, a long period of strengthening of the euro and the dollar is envisaged in the near future. Consumers who trust experts are already beginning to think about obtaining foreign currency loans. In such a situation, it is important to determine in which currency the loan will be the most profitable.

It is necessary
- - a package of documents;
- - a completed application form at the bank.
Step 1
A foreign currency loan can be taken not only in euros or dollars. Banks also provide loans in other currencies such as pounds, yen or francs. Interest rates for such loans are lower, and this makes them much more attractive. In yen and Swiss francs, a loan can be issued at 8-9% per annum. The lower the rate on your loan, the less you will overpay monthly. In addition, interest rates for dollar loans are also usually 2-3% lower than for loans denominated in rubles.
Step 2
Weigh all the pros and cons before making the final decision to take out a foreign currency loan. Pay attention to the stability of rates in the financial markets, which will affect the profitability of the loan. Better still, if the loan is in the currency in which you receive income.
Step 3
Choose the right bank and consider the consumer lending products it offers. Decide which loan you need: secured or not, guaranteed by third parties, etc. Pay attention to the interest rate and the proposed loan terms. The size of the payment depends on the size of the loan term.
Step 4
Ask about the package of documents that the bank needs to consider an application for a loan. Usually, you cannot do without a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; a document confirming registration at the place of residence, financial documents (2-NDFL certificates or bank certificates) and a copy of the work book certified by the employer page by page. You will also need to fill out an application form on the bank's website or directly at its branch.
Step 5
Contact the bank office and await the decision of the credit committee as soon as you complete all of the above points. The terms for consideration of the application usually do not exceed 2 working days, if everything is in order with the documents.