Having decided to buy real estate somewhere abroad, most of our fellow citizens apply for a loan from a bank. Unfortunately, credit institutions in our country do not provide loans for the purchase of overseas real estate, but buyers have the opportunity to receive money in the country of purchase of real estate.

Step 1
The easiest way to get a loan from a foreign bank is to contact a specialized company that sells real estate abroad. Such firms very often have among their partners one or more foreign banks that are ready to provide loans to solvent Russians. Through the agency, you can get a loan even in countries such as, for example, Bulgaria or Montenegro, where banks put forward very serious requirements for the borrower.
Step 2
Unfortunately, not everything is perfect. As a rule, not every object can be bought on credit. Often, among the list of available options, only those objects whose construction was financed by the company itself. In this case, the loan is issued against the guarantee of the developer.
Step 3
Check with realtors. Not all agencies work directly with banks, but many of them provide assistance in obtaining a loan. The assistance consists in accompanying the transaction: they will provide you with information about banks and current offers, help you choose a suitable loan program, collect and submit a package of documents to the bank. This hardly reduces the risk of a loan refusal, but it saves time significantly.
Step 4
Contact the bank yourself. The procedure for obtaining a loan from a foreign bank is not much different from Russian practice. You need to provide a passport, income certificates, an extract from your credit history and information about the facility for which you plan to apply for a loan. The presence of a guarantor among local residents is optional. Before leaving an application with the bank, study the requirements of a particular country. Keep in mind that in some countries the issue of mortgage lending to foreigners has not been resolved and you will not be able to get a loan, even if you have the best characteristics.