How To Pay A Loan If There Is No Job

How To Pay A Loan If There Is No Job
How To Pay A Loan If There Is No Job

Table of contents:


Now many banks in our country offer anti-crisis programs to borrowers that will make their life easier in a difficult period. The main thing is if it is not possible to pay the loan on time and in full, do not hide from the lender, but try to find a common language with him.

How to pay a loan if there is no job
How to pay a loan if there is no job

It is necessary

Insolvency documents


Step 1

Tell the bank about the loss of your job and the problems associated with the situation. Proofs in the form of certificates and other documents certifying insolvency will not hurt. Often, banks, appreciating the sincerity of their customers, meet them halfway.

Step 2

When preparing to communicate with bank employees, try to name a figure that is acceptable to you. When choosing a program, the bank will proceed from this amount.

Step 3

There are two main ways to restructure a loan. Choose the one that suits you best after considering all the pros and cons.

Step 4

You can ask the bank to extend the term. On average, banks agree to extend the term of the loan agreement by two years (and with a mortgage - up to three decades!). However, this also increases the total amount of the loan overpayment. Decide what is more important to you. First of all, this option is convenient for those who have a large loan or pledged collateral.

Step 5

You can decide on a "credit vacation". The bank will offer a partial payment deferral - on average, for a period from one month to a year. During this period, you will only pay interest to the bank, and the principal amount of the loan will remain unchanged. The total overpayment on the loan will not increase, but at the end of the "credit vacation" monthly payments will rise sharply.
