Surely you have met people who, in a conversation, start right away by asking you to borrow money, and in case of refusal, they can sometimes speak rudely, aggressively or with resentment. Their mistake is, first of all, that they started from where there is no need to start. And the demeanor of such a request is repulsive. What is the right way to ask for a loan?

Step 1
Start the conversation with a casual greeting, ask how the person is doing, what's new, etc. In general, conduct a familiar conversation and only at the very end of the conversation, as if by the way, unobtrusively ask this person for a loan. At the same time, you need to explain what you need the money for, and add when you can return it.
Step 2
In no case, do not start a request to borrow money with the words: "give money", "give / borrow a loan", "you are rich - give a little money" and similar phrases. It is also advisable to ask for money in debt only if absolutely necessary, if there is no other way out and they are badly needed. For example: for a funeral, for an expensive operation, etc.
Step 3
In addition, as you know: "Debt payment is red", "You take someone else's for a while - you give yours and forever." Therefore, if you know that you will not be able to give money right away, agree to give it back gradually: for example, give a certain part of the amount monthly. Also, do not forget how the non-repayment of debts ends: other debtors paid off with their property or even with their lives. So decide for yourself: live without debts, or pay them back on time.