The world of children today is not at all the same as twenty or even ten years ago. Fashion and trends drive communities, and it can be difficult for a kid who doesn't have a cool phone or super-modern clothes to fit in. Unfortunately, not all parents understand these points, and often the requests of a son or daughter to buy the right thing are answered with a sharp refusal. In such a situation, children either try to find a part-time job (if possible), or stubbornly press their parents with the same request. But you also need to be able to ask for money.

It used to be much easier. The child could easily walk up to mom and dad and get ten rubles from them for a chocolate bar. But now requests have grown, and small pocket money for any large purchase may not be enough. Therefore, it is important to correctly approach the conversation with the parents, even to prepare for it in advance.
1. On the eve of the conversation (or better - a couple of weeks before it), you should reconsider your behavior. If a child is often rude to his parents, argues with them and generally misbehaves, then they will have no desire to give him gifts. They will consider that they "did not deserve". It should be remembered that it is much easier and easier for exemplary children to get what they want.
2. Correctly chosen moment is also the key to success. You should not approach your parents with a conversation if they have just come home from work and have not yet had time to change their clothes and have dinner. The more relaxed mom or dad, the better their mood, the higher the chance for the child to get what he wants.
Also, you should not ask for money if parents do not earn very much and simply do not have the opportunity to make unplanned purchases. It is important for a child to understand that money does not come out of thin air. They are usually earned with hard work. And asking for a large purchase if parents carefully plan their expenses is the height of selfishness. In this situation, it is best to either refuse the desired acquisition, or look for more options for getting money.
3. It is important to decide in advance what amount is needed. It is worth looking into a store or website if you plan to buy it via the Internet, and get acquainted with the cost of the desired item. Better yet, find out the price in different stores and find the cheapest option, which later tell mom and dad about. Parents will definitely approve of such a thorough approach and, most likely, will understand the seriousness of the desire.
4. When making a request, it is important to act with respect to mom and dad. Impudence, tantrums, attempts to put pressure on pity - all this will only alienate from the goal. Parents should see that the child makes a reasonable decision, takes his desire seriously, and this is not at all a five-minute whim.
5. It is very important to explain to mom and dad what the money is for. The more detailed the better. Parents may refuse to issue money for a computer game or an expensive gadget, fearing that the child will devote less time to study and more time to a new toy. Therefore, it is important to reassure them that learning will remain in the first place, and the acquisition will not negatively affect academic performance.
6. If a simple request does not help to achieve what you want, you can offer the parents an agreement. For example, they buy a thing the child needs as a gift for a future holiday (Birthday, New Year, etc.). Of course, it is worth promising that you will not need another gift, and this purchase will be more than enough.
This approach will let the parents understand that the child is already able to make decisions and be responsible for them. This position is an adult, and it should make the best impression on mom and dad.
7. Another variant of the agreement is that the child will take on the so-called "working off" of the gift. For example, he will promise to clean the apartment within a month or two, wash all the dishes, take out the trash, etc. Of course, after receiving what you want, the obligation will have to be fulfilled and in no case violated. Otherwise, next time the parents will think several times before going to meet the child.
8. Mom and Dad are more willing to meet halfway if you ask them not for the whole amount, but for its missing part. Even if this part is much larger than what the child has now. It is important for parents to understand that a son or daughter is ready to sacrifice their funds for the sake of achieving what they want, that they have a serious attitude towards buying.
9. When communicating with dad and mom, the main thing is to keep calm and in no case make tantrums. Even if the parents do not want to make contact and do not accept arguments. They may have their own, often important, reasons for not giving money for a purchase, and this should be taken into account. If it doesn't work now, you can try it after a couple of weeks or months.
It is also important to remember that nothing is worth the conflict with your parents. Over time, the purchase may lose value, and the sediment from the quarrel will remain for a long time.