The foundation is a non-profit organization that is the consolidation of the property of several individuals or legal entities to achieve certain goals. The fund is necessary for anyone who wants to engage in charitable or other socially useful activities. It is created by one or more founders by making a decision on its establishment and is registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The founders form the property of the foundation.

It is necessary
It is necessary to acquire the Federal Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations" dated 12.01.1996
Step 1
Russian legislation does not contain a list of types of funds. The simplest classification is based on the institution. Private foundations are created by individuals such as family members. Corporate foundations can be created by companies or non-profit organizations. Public funds are created by public associations or initiative groups of citizens. There are also mixed funds.
Step 2
The foundation is a legal entity, which means that it has the right to acquire and exercise property and non-property rights and bear obligations on its own behalf, to be a plaintiff and defendant in court. The foundation is considered to be created from the moment of its state registration and has no restrictions on the period of activity, unless otherwise specified in its constituent documents.
Step 3
The foundation is created by the decision of its founders (or founder). In the first case, the founders of the foundation hold a meeting at which they decide on the establishment of the foundation. It also approves the charter of the foundation - its main document, which spells out its goals. If there is only one founder of the foundation, then he personally decides on the establishment of the foundation and approves the charter.
Step 4
The sources of the formation of the fund's property can be receipts from the founders, voluntary contributions from any interested parties, income from business activities and any other means. According to the legislation, the profit received by the fund is not distributed among the founders. The property and all receipts described are the property of the foundation. They are used for the purposes defined by the charter.
Step 5
Foundations, like other non-profit organizations, are registered with the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. To register a fund, the following documents are required:
1. statement;
2. the charter in triplicate;
3. the decision on the establishment of the foundation in duplicate;
4. information about the founders in duplicate;
5. receipt for payment of the state duty (the amount of the duty is 4000 rubles);
6. information about the location of the permanent body of the foundation for communication with it.