In search of this or that income, some start-up entrepreneurs decide to create a retail network, that is, to open retail stores designed to meet consumer demand. It is safe to say that this business is profitable, but for this you need to properly organize it.

Step 1
Before creating a particular retail network, identify consumer demand. To do this, you can go outside in the place where you plan to open a store. Interview people. Find out what they lack. For example, some may say that there are no pharmacy points nearby; some are not satisfied with the service and assortment in the nearby supermarkets. Get as much information as possible about people's preferences and desires. If you do not have time to collect information, contact marketing agencies.
Step 2
Agree on the lease of premises. Remember that the room must be sufficiently lit, safe and comfortable. It should have places where you can store goods, equipment, packaging, etc. The retail space must also meet all the requirements, that is, there are showcases, trading racks, cash registers, etc.
Step 3
Make a list of what you will offer to your customer. Based on this, find suppliers, negotiate all the conditions and conclude a delivery contract.
Step 4
Contact a marketing agency to draw up a planogram, that is, to develop a layout for displaying goods. This point is very important, since the level of sales depends on it. If you do not want to spend extra funds to pay for such agencies, carefully read the rules for displaying products and start drawing up a planogram yourself.
Step 5
Select staff, it is better if you opt for employees with a sufficiently large experience. You need to find a cashier, sales assistant, security guards, hall administrator, etc.
Step 6
Prepare the hall for opening. After that, advertise the network. You can send out flyers or make a large banner announcing the opening of a new store. Keep in mind that first you need to attract customers, so make some kind of promotion or enter discounts and gifts.