The sales ledger is an important document for tax reporting in an enterprise. It keeps records of invoices that are issued to the buyer during the sale of goods, the provision of services or the performance of work.

Step 1
Prepare a special notebook or sheets for keeping a sales ledger. Number all pages, lace and seal before filling. If the documentation will be conducted electronically, then at the end of each tax period, the data must be printed, laced and page numbered.
Step 2
Register all VAT-exempt and tax-exempt invoices. This must be done in chronological order in accordance with the tax period when the tax liability is formed.
Step 3
Enter in the sales ledger at the top of each sheet the full or abbreviated name of the seller's company, TIN and KPP of the company and the tax period to which the entries made on the page correspond. The records of this document are kept in national currency.
Step 4
If the invoice is issued in foreign currency, then indicate the equivalent amount in national currency at the rate of the National Bank of the country on the date of the invoice transaction. In columns 1-3, indicate the date and number of the invoice generation, the name of the buyer, TIN and KPP of the buyer and the date of payment of the invoice.
Step 5
In column 4, indicate the total amount of the invoice sale together with VAT, which must correspond to the accounting entries.
Step 6
In columns 5-8, note the sales and VAT amounts calculated at the appropriate tax rate.
Step 7
Fill in column 8 before completing the calculations for the product.
Step 8
In column 9, enter the total sales on the VAT-exempt invoice. At the end of the tax period, summarize the entries made and use them to fill out the VAT tax return.
Step 9
Use additional sheets to make changes to the document. Invoices are recorded on an additional sheet according to the tax period for registering the invoice prior to making corrections.
Step 10
Keep the sales ledger for five full years from the last entry.