If you suddenly rush into this business, and friends and acquaintances begin to tell you that it would be nice for the owner of a beauty salon to have experience in this area, they will be right in their own way! In its own way, because for any beginner, there will still be many questions and dilemmas. And even for a person who is familiar with the process from the inside, it will not be elementary: it is one thing to cut and paint, and quite another to find, discover, motivate staff and customers. I started from a round "zero", so to speak, got "from the ship to the ball"

No, of course, I went to salons, was interested in the work of cosmetologists, noted friendly administrators - but OWN SALON is something DIFFERENT!
The first problems arose at the stage of selecting the premises: for some reason, what suited me - it was impossible to conduct water there, where there was water - I did not want to open it. Add to this the salons already operating around, sometimes quite successful, and you can understand that it will take you 1, 5-2 months to select the premises. Payment for real estate services is another story. I still don't understand why people charge 40-60 thousand, when a client calls them CAM, and the tenant also calls and comes CAM!
So, I chose a place from the owner in a new area with TWO (!) Salons nearby! Conducted a detailed marketing analysis of these operating organizations. In the best layout, in my opinion, ONE salon should have closed (there were no permanent staff or administrators)!
Further, another surprise - the condition of the premises (48 sq.m.) was assessed as close to unsatisfactory, which means that it was renovated on its own. In terms of time, it is at least 10 days. In fact, my repair was completed in 16 days (!). This is because, as usual, saving money, I kicked out 2 teams that had already started working due to their low qualifications. Of course, they all did nothing, but what is suitable for an apartment is not suitable for an office!
Now we come to the procurement of equipment. I naively assumed that I could buy everything in 7-10 days, but it turned out that it could take from 14-16 days to 1 month! Thank God, the reception desk was made exactly according to my drawings, but the individual tables of the hairdresser had to be redone. Ordering a ready-made table with hairdresser's mirrors costs 16-35 thousand rubles, if you do it yourself according to your sketches - 4-4, 5. The game is worth the candle! But you need to explain 3-4 times exactly WHAT you want, because the tree is not plasticine and it will not work to remake, you will have to do it again.
Then I put "my eggs in 2 baskets" and ordered a pedicure chair from one firm, and the manicurist's table from another. As a result, the chair came without a stand, as they apologized, apologized … but had to wait another 5 days. Add more searches for furniture, cabinets for materials, flowerpots and so on - this is also about 7-12 days. In general, if you are an "electric broom", then YOU WILL HAVE EVERYTHING cheap and cheerful!
As a result, my salon cost me (prices for Siberia, Krasnoyarsk) 180 thousand! These are: 25 thousand rubles. repair, 80 thousand rubles equipment, 40 thousand rubles furniture and little things, and rent 35 thousand rubles. And this is very, very good, because such a ready-made salon can be sold already from 400 thousand!
Actually, what did I run into that I did not expect: first, the staff did not JUST go to the new area badly, and they DIDN'T GO to work AT ALL! All the more new point. In general, after suffering 1, 5 months (!), I found one hairdresser and manicurist, but I had to answer the questions for half a month why the salon was not running, because the advertisement of the opening was already hanging on the facade. Further, somehow the rest of the staff and a very good administrator living nearby were found. In general, we launched!
Having carried out an extensive advertising campaign, we received 3-6 people a day - this is 3-4 thousand net proceeds or 2 thousand profits per day. I must say that the rent of 35 thousand and the purchase of replenished materials immediately ate this entire amount. Having bought everything that I NEED, I thought that at least a month it would be possible not to spend money, but as soon as the staff got down to work, it became clear that this, this and this is also needed … I spent another 10 thousand.
Well, we are working! From the second month they began to go into a small plus, from the third month these results were consolidated. And so, bang, the staff arranges an ultimatum strike: either you raise our pay to 60-70%, or we leave in droves … It was a blow in the stomach! I just got ready to enjoy the process. I barely talked them into thinking for a month or two, and, exhaling strength, I decided to sell the business. I must say that by that time I had figured everything out: he brings in 15 thousand net profit, the neighboring hairdressing salon was closed, this would give us another 15 thousand, a total of 30 thousand with all the effort invested and a lot of time for control. For I did not install the tracking system.
It is unprofitable to raise prices with such a service offer (3 salons per quarter), the staff is capricious. EVERYTHING! I've played enough business. Fortunately, there are a lot of those who want to buy a ready-made salon - the same amateurs. And I sold it quite successfully.
However, if you have already been in this business, I see the solution to the problem only in one thing: you will already have a ready-made team of experts. And it's all. I concluded that this is one of the most risky businesses with a lot of pitfalls. So do not twist your nose - open a pavilion or a grocery store, to be sure!