Attracting funds from the population into deposits is the main task of the bank. After all, the more customers are attracted, the higher the amount of working capital and the more opportunities for issuing loans, and therefore making a profit. The attracted funds are the resource base of the bank, the basis of its existence.

Step 1
Use advertising to attract depositors' funds. This is the most standard and effective way to raise money. Advertising should be bright and memorable, emphasize the profitability of conditions for depositors. The most attractive is advertising on television, radio, and the Internet. Presentations of banking services at enterprises and organizations are very effective by prior agreement with their management.
Step 2
One of the advertising moves that you can use when attracting funds for deposits is to conduct all kinds of promotions. Come up with various bonuses for the holidays, for example, increasing the interest on deposits for some time before and after the holiday. Each depositor who has joined the ranks of the bank's customers at the specified time can be given a small gift (a T-shirt with the bank's logo, a pen, a notebook, a cap, etc.). If funds allow, then among the depositors you can play a ticket to a resort or a certificate for the purchase of household appliances.
Step 3
Be sure to keep your current customers in mind. Perhaps in the future they will replenish their deposits, open new accounts, and attract their friends and relatives. Thank the largest depositors and those who have been cooperating with the bank for a long time, give a souvenir for the holiday.
Step 4
Naturally, you can attract clients to replenish the bank's resource base with a wide variety of deposit programs. In this case, a simple rule applies: the more, the better. The more varied the conditions for deposits, the more chances that the client will find a suitable program for himself, which means that the probability of raising funds is high.
Step 5
Another way to raise funds for deposits is by issuing a debit plastic card. The bottom line is that when opening a deposit, the client receives a card on which interest will be transferred. In addition, the client can use it for other settlements at his own discretion.