To receive an account statement, you can personally come to a Sberbank branch, or you can use the Mobile Bank service or the Sberbank Online system. In any case, the client will receive an extract indicating data on the last transactions performed, account number, date of formation and balance.

The structural divisions of Sberbank of Russia can provide their clients with a variety of information on their accounts, including an account statement, free of charge. And for this it is not at all necessary to personally appear at the bank, all the necessary actions can be performed without leaving home.
First two ways
If the client does not have access to the Internet, he needs to come to the bank with a passport and a bank card or other document confirming the existence of an account. The bank employee will find all the information on the account and print out a statement on its status, which will indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the holder, account number, date of formation and a list of operations performed on the account for a certain period of time, named by the account holder. In addition, at the request of the client, I can send him an extract to the email or postal address.
The client can also receive an account statement through the "Sberbank Online" system. To do this, you need to log in to the system by entering your user ID and password, and select in the "Cards" menu the card for which you need a statement. As a result, a window will open to the user in which detailed information on the account will be displayed - the so-called mini-statement. If you have a printer at home, you can print it right away.
Third way
You can also monitor account transactions using the Mobile Banking service. Sberbank of Russia provides this service via mobile communication. "Mobile Bank" provides its clients with the opportunity to promptly receive on their mobile phone notifications of account transactions and a statement of the latest transactions. In addition, the client can transfer money from one account to another, pay for goods and services without commission and visiting the bank, repay loans and block the account. The service significantly saves time and increases the security of cashless payments.
To receive a mini-card statement, you need to send a message to number 900, which will consist of the word "HISTORY" and the last 4 digits of the card number located on the front side. Instead of the word "HISTORY" you can write "EXTRACT" or one or the other, but only in English letters. As a result, the bank will send a response message with information about the last 10 transactions that were made with this card. In particular, you will be able to see the date of the transaction, the amount of the transaction in the currency of the transaction, the type of transaction and the balance of funds.