Sberbank today has a wide range of deposits for the population. Among them, everyone can choose the most optimal option for themselves, based on their goals.

Types of bank deposits in Sberbank
Bank deposits from Sberbank can be classified on various grounds - for example, the term of placement, functionality, as well as their purpose.
From the point of view of the placement period, time deposits and demand deposits are distinguished. In the latter case, the client has the opportunity to withdraw money from his account at any time. The rate on such deposits is most often nominal - from 0.1%.
The difference between term deposits is that they are placed for a period strictly stipulated in the contract. For example, for a year or 3 months. But if the depositor decides to withdraw money from the deposit ahead of schedule, then interest is not paid to him - they are set at the level of demand deposit rates.
Time deposits are heterogeneous, including savings, savings and settlement subspecies.
Savings deposits make it possible to replenish the deposit during the entire term of the agreement. They are intended for those who are planning to save up for any expensive purchase. So, bank deposits "Top up" assume a rate in rubles up to 6.6% per year with a maximum amount of 2 million rubles. for up to 3 years.
The savings deposit does not imply any transactions with the account (for example, replenishment or partial withdrawal). These deposits are distinguished by the highest interest rate. On deposits "Save" the maximum rate is 7% in rubles (0.4% higher than the deposit "Replenish").
Settlement deposit (also called universal) allows the client to control his account, for his funds, manage his savings, make operations for replenishment and withdrawal of money. In Sberbank, such deposits are called
Manage, the maximum rate on them is 6.1% in rubles (0.9% lower than with the "Save" deposit).
From the point of view of the placement currency, a distinction is made between ruble, currency and multicurrency deposits. The latter allow changing the ratio of currencies in the currency basket, which may make sense when the market conditions change. On the “Multicurrency” deposit, the rate on the ruble deposit is up to 5.9%, on the dollar deposit - up to 1.75%, in the euro - up to 1.75%. Sberbank also has the opportunity to open deposits for fans of exotic products - "International" for a period of three years. In this case, you can choose a deposit in Japanese yen (interest rate - up to 2.25%), Swiss francs (up to 2.5%) or pounds sterling (up to 3.25%).
Sberbank also has specialized bank charity programs ("Give Life") and deposits for pensioners.
Profitability of Sberbank deposits
To compare the profitability of various deposits, you can take similar parameters of the deposit (amount - 1 million rubles, term - 1 year, without capitalization) and evaluate the profit received. On the deposit "Replenish" the income will be 59 thousand rubles, "Replenish OnL @ yn" - 61.5 thousand rubles. The income on the "Manage OnL @ yn" deposit will be 57.5 thousand rubles, "Manage" - 55 thousand rubles. The most profitable deposits are "Save OnL @ yn" and "Save" - the yield on them will be 64.5 and 62 thousand rubles. respectively.
Deposits with monthly capitalization of interest are more profitable, they will allow you to get more income than with interest withdrawals. Thus, the difference in the maximum interest rates on the deposit "Replenish Online @ yn" is 0.73% (6.85% without capitalization and 7.58% - with capitalization).
Deposits that are opened through Sberbank Online are distinguished by higher interest rates. The rate on such replenished deposits reaches 6.85% per year (versus 6.6% for classic deposits).
As for the currency of deposits, rubles are more profitable. The maximum rate for dollar deposits in Sberbank is 2.15%, for ruble deposits it is 4 times higher - 8.07%. Foreign currency deposits will be profitable if the dollar loses more than 6% in a year.