You don't have to live in a big city to become a wealthy person and earn good money. For many rural residents, such prospects are open that the townspeople can only dream of. If desired, in the village it is quite possible to earn money with minimal financial costs. First of all, you need an idea. The business should be interesting and bring not only money, but also pleasure. Working hard very soon becomes boring, and such an enterprise will never be successful.

Having come up with a business that you want to do, before starting a business, you need to resolve the issue with customers and with the sales market. If the products will be sold locally, it is necessary to decide what is most in demand and interesting for local residents here. Only then can you start with the implementation of the idea.
In any business, start-up capital is needed, but it does not have to be huge. Sometimes small amounts of money, quite affordable for many, are enough. Perhaps the largest expense will be required by opening your own store. You need to rent a room and buy goods. In the absence of competitors in the village, all types of products will be in demand: clothing, footwear, food, household chemicals. You just need to keep in mind that not too expensive goods will be more in demand here, since there are not too many wealthy people among rural residents who care about the quality of products, regardless of the price. For most, when choosing a product, the first place is the low price.
The premises for the store can be rented, bought or built: it all depends on the desire and possibilities. In any case, it will be much cheaper than in the city.
In addition, in the village you can open a farm, raise rabbits or nutria, grow mushrooms or grow strawberries, open an apiary or breed crayfish. If you have a large house that can accommodate many guests, you can go for rural tourism. Surely there are those who want to take a break from the bustle of the city in nature, in peace and quiet. By creating comfortable conditions for vacationers and by properly organizing an advertising campaign, you can get a good profit.
There are a lot of options and everyone who wants to improve their standard of living can find an occupation that brings profit and pleasure. The village has unlimited opportunities for different activities with any investment. There would be a desire, but success will surely come.