When registering your organization to one or another legal address, you probably faced the problem of checking the legal address for mass character. Since for a service that will register the address of a legal entity, this indicator is of great importance. In addition, if you have to change the legal address, you will also need to check the new place of registration. This can be done in several ways.

Step 1
So, first, check the legal address in the address database of the Russian Post. It checks for the presence of any matching address. If you have not found it in this database, draw the appropriate conclusion. Such situations arise if you buy directly a legal address, and do not conclude an agreement for a specific physical premises. Be careful not to fall for the tricks of scammers.
Step 2
Check the legal address for mass character. From the point of view of the Federal Tax Service R, F, the address is considered to be mass, at which more than 10 companies have already been registered. To check this, the Federal Tax Service launched a service on its website, where anyone can check the number of organizations that are registered at a specific legal address. Few know about this service, but it is actively used by banks and authorities that are interested in this information. To use this service, go to the address https://service.nalog.ru:8080/addrfind.do, enter the region, district, city, street and house number, and you will get the number of organizations legally located at this address
Step 3
Also try checking the address with a personal visit. Visit the indicated place and assess the situation with your own eyes. However, be careful if you are working with a new partner. Very often, theatrical performances are staged, when all the necessary documents are artificially drawn up, even in those offices where government bodies are officially located.
Step 4
If you are still not sure of your decision, entrust the verification and registration of the legal address to an organization or a person who has extensive experience in this matter. As a rule, they are reliable and can provide all the required documents and guarantees.