How To Transfer Money To A Card Using A Phone

How To Transfer Money To A Card Using A Phone
How To Transfer Money To A Card Using A Phone

The situation when it is urgently necessary to help out a friend, relative, child with money is familiar to many. What if you don't have cash with you, and the ATM is hard to reach, or the person is far away? You can send a transfer to him on a Sberbank card - you only need a phone to send SMS.

How to transfer money to a card using a phone
How to transfer money to a card using a phone

Provided that both you and the person in need of assistance have Sberbank cards that are connected to the Mobile Bank service, you can transfer money from your card to the card of another bank client. To make a transfer, you just need to send an SMS of certain content to number 900.

The SMS should look something like this: "Translation 89XXXXXXXXX 1500". Here 89ХХХХХХХХХ is the phone number of the transfer recipient to which the Mobile Bank is connected. 1500 - transfer amount. You can transfer up to eight thousand rubles at a time.

After the transaction is completed, an SMS will be sent from the bank, which will contain the confirmation code. SMS can be like this: "To transfer 1500 rubles from a VISAXXX card to the recipient's card, send the code # XXXXX to number 900". The money will be transferred to the recipient after you send the confirmation code.

Thus, it is convenient to send money to people to whom you do not want to give your card number, or make small money transfers between relatives or friends. For example, split expenses by restaurant bill.

When making a transfer within the same regional bank, no commission will be charged. Transfer between clients of different regions - 1% commission.
