The price tag is an indispensable component of the trading activity. Its main function is to convey to the buyer the basic truthful information about the product, the country of its manufacture and price. But even experienced sellers find it difficult to tell what should be displayed on the price tag. Meanwhile, the "Code of Rules for the Sale of Certain Groups of Goods", which was approved back in 1998 by the Government of the Russian Federation, can answer this question.

It is necessary
- - price tag
- - a pen
- - seal of the trade organization
Step 1
Write (type) the name of the trade organization at the top of the price tag. This information will be a kind of hidden advertising for your store.

Step 2
Please indicate the product name in large, legible print. No need to write in italics or elaborate handwriting in pursuit of "beauty". This can visually spoil the impression of the product. In addition, such handwriting can be difficult to read from afar. The main background of the price tag should not be combined with the font, otherwise the information about the product will not be visible.

Step 3
Write in large print the price of the item per item, kilogram or box. This can be done at the bottom of the price tag, but the figure should stand out clearly against the background of all other information about the product.
Step 4
Indicate the type of product on the price tag.
Step 5
Sign the person in charge of the price tag. The seal or stamp of the trade organization will help to replace such a signature.
Step 6
Be sure to put on the price tag the date of its registration, and, if possible, the expiration date of the goods. If this information is not reflected on the price tag, the buyer will be able to present the seller with claims for a refund and moral compensation for the expired product.
Step 7
Please provide additional information. The rules for the sale of certain groups of goods also provide for the indication of additional information - about the country of manufacture and a specific manufacturer, information about the important consumer properties of the goods (composition, purpose). This will allow the buyer to quickly navigate in the choice of goods without asking for clarifications from the sellers.
Step 8
Select for a separate group of goods price tags that are similar in shape or size. Mark this group of goods on the price tags. For example, in the children's toy department, a bear cub can be depicted in the corner of the price tag. And in the department that sells children's clothing, you can use the price tags with the image of a T-shirt.