Any enterprise has a specific goal - the production and marketing of its products. The sale of goods presupposes a thorough knowledge of the market to which the manufacturer enters. The price should not scare away the buyer and be strikingly different from competitors of the same type and equivalent in quality. At the same time, the price should overlap the production costs by the amount of the planned profit, therefore pricing is the most important part of economic planning.

Step 1
The price of a product has a certain range within which the manufacturer can carry out his price "maneuvers". The lower limit of the price is determined by the cost of goods, the upper limit is the effective demand. Thus, the establishment of a dumping price will lead to losses, and the setting of an overpriced one will lead to problems with the sale of goods. It is important to choose the best option.
Step 2
Getting started calculating the price for a specific product, you need to go through several steps:
- set goals and objectives for pricing;
- study the demand for your product in the market;
- estimate production costs;
- analyze the prices and quality of competitors' products;
- choose a pricing method;
- calculate the original price of the product;
- consider all additional factors to adjust the price;
- set the final price of the product.
Step 3
From the three main pricing methods, choose the one that suits you best: 1. costly (it is based on all your costs of production and sales of products);
2. focused on the potential consumer;
3. Competitive-oriented.
Step 4
If you prefer the basic cost method, first calculate the total cost of production (this is the sum of variable and fixed costs) and add the expected profit to them. The resulting amount (the cash equivalent of the expected income from sales) is divided by the number of units of output.
Step 5
When determining a consumer-oriented price, the main criterion for you will be an adequate assessment of all the useful properties of your product. You should, as accurately as possible, assume that the benefits of using these beneficial properties by potential consumers will become a sustainable motive for them to purchase the product at the price you set.
Step 6
If, when forming a price for a product, you are guided by the price of competitors, pay the main attention to the quality of their analogue product. If it is similar to yours, and does not exceed it, the price is set at the prevailing level.
Step 7
Many specific indicators can serve as evaluation criteria for comparing a product. For example, such:
- the functionality of the product, its compliance with the latest technological advances in science, customer needs, fashion trends, etc.;
- reliability;
- efficiency (economical consumption when using the goods of material, energy and other resources);
- ergonomics (convenience and ease of use);
- aesthetic qualities of the product;
- environmental indicators;
- safety;
- patent purity and protection;
- compliance with standards, unification;
- manufacturability of repair;
- transportability;
- the possibility of reuse and disposal methods;
- after-sales service, etc.